Final Qualification Step
Get $80 Off Urgent Fungus Destroyer
The regular price for XX.XX bottle of Urgent Fungus Destroyer is $120. However, because you made the cut to join the PhytAge Laboratories private test group you will get XX.XX bottle of Urgent Fungus Destroyer for $XX.XX. That’s a savings of $50. Better yet, to get our BEST DEAL order XX.XX bottles and each bottle drops to just $XX.XX – that’s $80 off!

What Others Are Saying About Us

“I did everything my docs told me to try. Seems like I was just throwing my money down the drain. I know the dangers of products like Lamisil which can give you a heart attack, so I’ve been looking for a natural solution. Big Pharma seems to hold patients hostage and they could care less, they take your money and run. Thank you guys.”
Dennis P.
Dallas, TX
Dennis P.
Dallas, TX

“My mother’s nails are all yellow, especially her toes. Since she’s staying with me at the moment I went ahead and ordered 6 bottles as I know she’s always complaining about being embarrassed and uncomfortable. From the very first time she tried it, she said her nails “feel a bit better”. She even took the bottle to her doc and since it was all natural he said it was ok. This is awesome, I had not seen her out shopping in sandals in about 5 years, just that fact alone has me convinced!”
Patty, W.
Tampa, FL
Patty, W.
Tampa, FL